Oscar Kjellberg is 150 years

The founder of our company, Oscar Kjellberg, was born on September 21, 1870 in the Swedish province of Arvika. His career as a technician started already at an early age and resulted in his receiving the German Reich patent no. 231733 „Electrode and process for electric soldering“ in June 1908. Thus, he is regarded as being the inventor of the coated welding electrode which has been produced, sold and used at Kjellberg Finsterwalde ever since. In subsequent years he founded the Kjellberg Elektro-Maschinen GmbH in Finsterwalde. In 1923, he presented the first welding generator developed and built in Finsterwalde.

With presently about 480 employees we operate with our sales and service teams from the two main locations in Finsterwalde and Massen-Niederlausitz in more than 70 countries worldwide.


In memory of our founder and the inventor Oscar Kjellberg, his influence and work, we Kjellbergers congratulate on his 150th birthday in a very special way.

Click on the picture or here to watch the YouTube video.


For more information about Kjellberg Finsterwalde and Oscar Kjellberg please see history.

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