Kjellberg Finsterwalde celebrates centenary

The "Finsterwalde Sänger" open the celebrations in the
Kulturweberei Finsterwalde

Dr Dietmar Woidke and numerous guests congratulate all Kjellbergers


On 9 September 2022, Kjellberg Finsterwalde celebrated the centenary of the company in Finsterwalde. The employees experienced a day full of goosebumps.


To celebrate the official company anniversary, Kjellberg Finsterwalde invited employees as well as guests to the Kulturweberei in Finsterwalde. The celebration took place in the Shedhalle of the Kulturweberei, which exuded a charming industrial look. Among guests of honour was the Minister President of Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke, who addressed thankful greetings in the direction of the employees. The event was opened by the "Finsterwalde Sänger", who had composed a verse especially for the occasion. A highlight was the video message with congratulations from the business partners from all over the world. The celebration was culturally framed by the duo Johanna Zmeck (piano) and Nassib Ahmadie (cello). Sand painter Polina led an emotional journey through the 100-year history of Kjellberg Finsterwalde. From now on, this can be experienced in the historical exhibition in the conference centre, which was also opened on this day.


After the official ceremony, the employees continued to celebrate on the Kjellberg company premises. During the jubilee party, jubilarians were honoured, the Oscar for the best trainees was awarded and the secret of the employee gift was revealed.
In the afternoon, the staff party turned into a family celebration that lasted into the evening.
The grand finale of this great day was a fireworks display.


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